
Product parameters

  • QIBR No.Q061.25.0764.600.11.1503
  • Rothe Erde No.061.25.0764.600.11.1503
  • Bearing Type Single-row four-point contact ball 
Overall Dimensions
  • Outer Diameter (O.D.) 886.8mm
  • Inner Diameter (I.D.) 671mm
  • Overall Height(H) 63mm
  • Weight 94kg
Bolt Data
  • External Bolt Circle Diameter (La) 823mm
  • Ineternal Bolt Circle Diameter (Li) 706mm
  • Number of Bolt Holes per circle (n) 24
  • Bolt Hole Diameter(B) 17.5mm
  • Bolt size (M) 16mm
Gear Data
  • Gear P.C.D (d) 870mm
  • Module (m) 6mm
  • Number of Teeth (z) 145
  • Tooth Width (b) 54mm
  • Permissible Tangential Forces Normal (kN) 18
  • Permissible Tangential Forces Maximum(kN) 36

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